Crossroads Counselling
the therapist
About me Sue Parnell
I have often been asked why I trained as a therapist. The honest answer is that during a particularly difficult period of my life, I had counselling, and although it wasn’t magical (there is no magic in counselling-just transparent collaborative relationship) as time and therapy progressed, I began to understand why I was experiencing the difficulties that ‘life’ was presenting me. I gained answers to questions that I didn’t ‘consciously’ know I was searching for. The wheels in the process of change had begun to turn.
This for me was the beginning of ‘realizing’ I had choices…I could make choices and therefore others must have that within themselves too.

I was inspired to invest in formal training to help others to explore through a therapeutic process how struggles can be overcome, personal development can take place and choices can be part of every twist and turn that life may present.
Formal training as a therapist demands a lot of therapy is undertaken by the trainee, so my own personal journey just became richer for this, and my development as a practitioner grew.
I also believe that therapy is different from many other forms of treatment. Therapy can help others work through existing difficulties, and most would look for a therapist under those circumstances, when something in their life isn’t working or they are unhappy with an aspect of it.

Therapy can also be preventative, helping us to stay on track and stay aware of where the ‘holes in the road ahead’ are, preventing us from making the ‘same mistakes’ over and over. There is also a maintenance value with those that are Neurodiverse; have Personality Disorders, Biploar Disorder…the list is long!
To summarize why I trained and continue to learn after more than 30 years, is to assist and support those who wish to go on that journey of self-discovery, a journey that for each of us will be as unique as we are individuals on this earth.
It is, and always will be an honor and a privilege to be trusted implicitly by those who request my support…thank you in advance should you decide to do so.

Licensed & Accredited Person Centred Experiential Counselling for Depression Evidenced based NICE approved Therapy